It’s not always easy to keep sane in a relationship. Sometimes we get angry at the other person, have a missunderstanding, hate the other person or are longing for a close relationship. Prayer can help with all of those issues. 

Prayer for a healthy love-relationship

Dear God,
I am so very grateful for the relationship in my life. I am still very much in love with my partner and enjoy the time with him/her a lot. I love the way he/she smiles, the way he/she supports me, the way I am when I am with him/her. I pray that our love will grow with time and that we always feel the deep connection towards each other. Please give me the patience in situation where he/she is not doing what I would like him/her to do, the strenght to hold him/her when he/her is not doing good, the courage to speak about things that don’t feel easy to speakd about and the vision for our future life together. Please hlep me keep my heart open in situation where I not feel good or I am triggered. In my communication please help me choose words that are understanding and not hurting or confronting. In my action let me always consider his/her needs and take him/her into account. Please bless our relationship with your grace. Amen. 

My Intentions for my realtionship

I want to keep my heart open.

I want to rest in my self, connect with you and thrive together.

I want to ask questions instead of judge.

I take 100% responsibility.

I want to consider your needs without forgetting about mine.

I will let you love me.

I will stand by and behind you and let you do the same for me.

Our Mission

Our mission is to cultivate a prayer culture to serve humanity. We want to help people get started with their prayer life and support those in need of a prayer. Prayer is available to anyone anywhere. We have a non-denominational approach to our connection to God and to prayer. Everyone is welcome.