

Angel & Prayer is a portal about the power of prayer. It is an invitation to pray not only when really necessary but to start to add prayer as a normal part of life.

Angel & Prayer is a soul project of Lily Sophie. She has started her own prayer life when she was eight years old. Back then she had an alter in her room with special object on them and a childrens prayer book. In the morning and whenerver she needed it she would turn to God, pour her heart out, ask for help or just communicate with God.


Ultimately it is about YOU! It is about you owning your faith and taking full responsibility of your life 

With the power of prayer.  Or letting go of victimhood and asking for what you really want and need. It is about opening your heart to starting living an authentic and fulfilling life with the support of the angels and of prayer. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to cultivate a prayer culture to serve humanity. We want to help people get started with their prayer life and support those in need of a prayer. Prayer is available to anyone anywhere. We have a non-denominational approach to our connection to God and to prayer. Everyone is welcome.