What are archangels
Archangels are the warriors and messengers of God, they are present to protect humanity and deliver important messages. There are seven archangels which are waiting for us to call upon them for them to help us. Archangels joy is to be present for us and support us in living joyful and fulfilling lives.
How can archangels help me in my life
Archangels role is to protect human beings and suppor them when called upon. Each of the seven archangels has a different function in which they support us.
Find out on the pages of the archangels about their specializations.
How to call upon the archangels
Calling upon the archangels is easy and is a practice that can be cultivated. It starts with coming quit inside, shutting out the noise of everyday life in your head and surrounding you. This is the preparation to also hear the archangels answers. You can either us a written formal prayer to turn to the archangels, or an informal conversation with letting them know where you are at and what you need help with. Talking to the archangels can be deepened by practicing it everyday.

Archangels Moment
This is an invitaiton to right now take a moment with the archangels. On the list of archangels chose the one whos energy you need in this moment.
Take a deep breath and imagine the archangels being with you. Allow this presence to put his arms around you and let the archangel energy be present with you. When breathing out hand all your stress and worried over to the archangel that is present with you. When breathing in the good vibes from the archangel.
This is an invitation to use the power of the archangels in your daily life. It is an invitation to open your heart and let that power move through you.